Cateva precizari
- iconita ar trebui sa aiba o dimensiune de 16x16 pixeli
- un site care iti creaza online favicon din imagine uite aici
-website-ul tau il validezi aici(la urma)
-iconitia o faci in format.png si da-i o denumire care sa nu aiba nicio legatura cu ICON.
Cod aici -
Detalii aici
Ultimul link nu merge
In ultimul link scrie asta:
FavIcon from Pics Download Package
A. Installing the favicon with animation
B. Installing the favicon without animation
C. What's in this favicon.ico
D. More Information
E. Thank You
--- A. Installing the favicon with animation ---
1. Upload favicon.ico and animated_favicon1.gif to the root of your web folder.
2. Add the following HTML code to your web page, in between and tags:
--- B. Installing the favicon without animation ---
1. Upload favicon.ico to the root of your web folder.
2. Add the following HTML code to your web page, in between and tags:
--- C. What's in this favicon.ico ---
The favicon.ico in this package has 2 image formats in a single file:
16*16-pixel 256-color and 32*32-pixel 256-color.
--- D. More Information ---
* FavIcon from Pics homepage:
* If you would like to double check the installation of your favicon, visit:
* Answers to frequently asked questions and support forums:
* Find out about upcoming features with the RSS news feed:
--- E. Thank You ---
Thank you for using FavIcon from Pics!
If you like this service, a link to is appreciated.
For more web developer tools, visit
This package was created on Fri, 17 Feb 2012 03:22:46 PM GMT
Multumesc am reusit
Bravo! se misca ceva? Ai pus un flash sau o imagine normala?
Am pus o imagine normala ...imi dai id tau de mess ca mai am cate ceva sa te intreb (daca stii cat de cat in CSS si HTML) pls
Lasa mesaj privat si daca pot te ajut! Nu folosesc messenger...
Robert74G întreabă: