The game feature's the six original weapons:
the Glock, AK-47, shotgun, sword, baseball bat, and sledgehammer,
the game has six new weapons that are available only through a
lab pass. These include the rail gun, flame thrower, Gatling gun,
chain saw, tesla helmet, and laser sword.
Fist - 12 hits to kill
Glock - 5 Hits to kill
Ak-47 - 6 hits to kill
Shotgun - 3 Hits to kill
Sword - 8 Hits to kill
Baseball bat - 4 Hits to kill
Sledge Hammer - 1 Hit to kill
Railgun - 2 hits to kill
Flamethrower - 6 hits to kill
Mini Gun - 8 hits to kill
Chainsaw - 3 Hits to kill
Tesla Helmet - 10 hits to kill
Laser Sword - 6 Hits to kill
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