1)Nu se apasa butoane ba desteptule ca nu joci snake III
2)Ala e prost si daca apesi Alt+F4 se iese din aplicatie
3)Rezolvarea-Right click pe archives_win32 folder in just cause 2 install directory si mergi la proprietes
Run the game as administrator
E o problema de permisiune Incearca si la security tab! Funda te rog!
Acest lucru mi s-a intamplat si mie la Need for Speed Undercover. iar smecheria este sa apesi Alt F4(apasa ambele taste odata). Incearca poate iti merge, Apropo, Funda te rog!
Iata rezolvarea:
1)Right click on the archives_win32 folder in your just cause 2 install directory and go to properties
2)Go to the security tab, change every permissions to allow
3)run the game as administrator
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