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dau fundita urgent!
Am facut o compunere in engleza despre Machu Picchu si nu stiu daca am scris corect.va rog mult sa ma ajutati acolo unde am gresit....va rog mult happy.
Machu Picchu este un oras stravechi, situat in sudul statului Peru. Machu Piccu este una dintre cele mai interesante locatii de pe planeta. Acest oras a fost pupulat acum foarte multi ani de maiasi. Locul fost numit ca un paradis in varful unui munte.Machu Pichhu are mistere care nu au fost descoperite inca. Machu Picchu, este destinatia perfecta pentru cei interesați de trecut.

Machu Picchu is a fantastic place that you will not soon forget. The city's attractions are buildings and where it is located.Machu Picchu is located on top of a mountain.The city sits in a saddle between the two mountains Machu Picchu and Huayna Picchu, with a commanding view down two valleys and a nearly impassable mountain at its back. It has a water supply from springs that cannot be blocked easily, and enough land to grow food for about four times as many people as ever lived there. The hillsides leading to it have been terraced, not only to provide more farmland to grow crops, but to steepen the slopes which invaders would have to ascend. The terraces reduced soil erosion and protected against landslides. Two high-altitude routes from Machu Picchu go across the mountains back to Cusco, one through the sun gate, and the other across the Inca bridge. Both could be blocked easily, should invaders approach along them. Regardless of its original purpose, it is strategically located and readily defended.

Machu Picchu was built around 1450, at the height of the Inca Empire. The construction of Machu Picchu appears to date from the period of the two great Incas, Pachacutec Inca Yupanqui (1438-71) and Tupac Inca Yupanqui (1472-93). It was abandoned just over 100 years later, in 1572, as a belated result of the Spanish Conquest. It is possible that most of its inhabitants died from smallpox introduced by travelers before the Spanish conquistadors arrived in the area. The latter had notes of a place called Piccho, although there is no record of the Spanish having visited the remote city. The types of sacred rocks defaced by the conquistadors in other locations are untouched at Machu Picchu.

Do not miss to visit Machu Picchu. With its long history, Machu Picchu remains a sensational place.

7 răspunsuri:
| Ada11 a răspuns:

Machu Picchu is an old town situated in the south of Peru.It is one of the most interesting places on the planet. A long time ago, this town was populated by the mayas. People say that it's like a piece of paradise on the top of a mountain. Machu Picchu has a lot of unsolved mysteries. It's the perfect destination for the ones interested in the history of the world.
Dupa aia ii MAchu Picchu is a fantastic place that will be not forgotten any time soon. Dupa aia unde ai scris ca It's situated between two mountains... te scapi de 'the'. Si la sfarsit e Do not miss any chances in visiting Machu Picchu.

E totul legat de exprimare.

Cuuuuuu placere!

| Ada11 a răspuns (pentru Ada11):

Any chance. Pardon

| Sports explică:

Primul paragraf l-am tradus asfel, e bine?
Machu Picchu is an ancient city located in southern Peru. Machu Piccu is one of the most interesting places on the planet. This city was pupulat many years ago the Mayans. The place was called as a paradise on top of munte.Machu Pichhu has mysteries that have not been discovered yet. Machu Picchu is the perfect destination for those interested in the past.

| ciopa a răspuns:

Cand mai ai nevoie ca sa nu te chinui poti intra pe google translate. funda?

| Fizzy13 a răspuns:

Poti spune aici:The city's attractions are buildings and where it is located..AND IT'S LOCATION..in loc de where it is located

| Fizzy13 a răspuns:

In rest, dupa parerea mea este bine, sper sa nu imi fi scapat ceva, sper ca te-am ajutat... fundita, te rog?