Cu o simpla cautare pe internet (sursa: IMDB Trivia)
The location of the NCIS LA Headquarters building where they zoom in and out is at the location of the Marina Del Rey Garden Center, 13198 Mindanao Way. Coordinates 33° 59' 00.0" N, 118° 26' 15.0" W. The location of the NCIS Boathouse is at the location of the Loyola Marymount University's Jane Browne Bove Boathouse at 13669 Fiji Way. Coordinates 33° 58' 29.5" N, 118° 26' 47.0 W. The actual appearance of those locations has been digitally altered for the show, but these are the locations. The boathouse is about a mile from headquarters which explains how they get back and forth so quick.
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