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3. Duing the 1970's, socientific interes was rekindled by a study that had originally set out to examine the connection betweel social conditions and heart disease. Quite by chance, researchers discovered that the survival rate of people who owned apet was significantly greater than those who didn't. At first, they treated these findings with suspicion, but the more reseaarch that was done, the more conclusive the proof became. People with pets really wereliving longer.
4.It was discovered that stroking a cat or dog lowers a human being's blood presseure and reduces anxiety. Just having an animal around you can lowe your heart rate.Cats and dogs aren't the only pets that can help you to relax either. A dental shool in America has discovered that gazing at fish in a tank hleps patients relax before undergoing dental treatment.
5. Thecurrent trand towards using pets in therapy sessions is based on the work of an American psychologist, Dc Boris Levinson. He was treating a child who was veryy withdrawn and refused to talk. One day, Dr Levinson took his dog Jingles to the therapy session and, ti his surprise, the child began stroking and cuddling the dog. Through more contact with Jingles, the child became increasingly open and approachable and Levinson was able to complete the psychotherapy successfully.
6. But what aspect of the animal-human relationship is the cause of such benefits? Does the companionship of animals fulfil certain basic human needs that are still not fully understood, but which are neverthless vital to our sense of well-being? One recent stury revealed that there were significatly fewer minor illnesses such as colds, backaches and stomach problems among adults after they bad acquired a pet. " It is difficult to know if they became healthier as a result of acquiring their pet, but they certainly perceived themselves to be so," the researcher said.
7.There is no real explanation however, for wHi animals can change people in various ways, Elizabeth Ormerod, who is spearheading a campaign to introduce pets into a Scottish prison, has watched the effect of animals on prisoners.
"animals help to dispel tension," she says.The Scottish prisons that have some involvement with animal report fewer disturbances as wali as better relationships between staff and prisoners. "Caring for a pet encaurages compassion and reverence for life." says Ormerod. "You could call it humane education."
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