| sweetys a întrebat:

Am o mica, mare problema. Am avut dezactivata functia de update automat la windows la laptop. Problema este ca din ce in ce mai multe programe imi cer sa la dau update, dar nu imi merge fiindca windows-ul nu are update. Daca ii dau update la windows, laptopul se blocheaza si sta asa pana il sting. Ce as putea sa fac ca sa scap de aceasta problema. Ma gandeam sa il formatez dar si aici am probleme fiindca nu stiu de unde sa fac rost de windows sa il reinstalez. Sper ca a inteles cineva ce vreau sa zic. Exista alta solutie in afara de formatare? Pot sa descarc de pe net windows-ul?

1 răspuns:
| QuizzyFuN a răspuns:

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Visit the following Microsoft Web site:
Click Start Now.
On the Review the license agreement page, click Continue.
Click Install.

Note You may not be prompted to install the Microsoft Update software if this software is already available on the computer.
After you successfully install the software, a Microsoft Update shortcut is added to the All Programs menu on the Start menu.
I am currently using Microsoft Update. How can I access Windows Update?

To stop using the Microsoft Update Web site and start using the Windows Update Web site, follow these steps:
On the Microsoft Update site, click Change Settings.
Scroll down the page, click to select the Disable Microsoft Update software and let me use Windows Update only check box, and then click Apply changes now.
You receive the following message:
Windows Automatic Updates will not be able to deliver updates from Microsoft Update Service.

Are you sure you want to continue?
Click Yes.
Sursa : https://support.microsoft.com/......oft-update