=p~ ce-i al meu e pus deoparte!
→ Baby don’t cry, say »ƒuck you« & smile ♥
thanks for making my day a shity day.
I just want things to be ok
Te intrebi ce fac? Fac din noapte zi!
n-ai stiut sa tragi de sfori, am cazut de mii de ori...
cu mintea limpede, strapungem limite!
si nu regret nimic, incerc sa-nvat din tot, invat sa ma implic.
will you still love me in the morning?
ieri. o ardeam lejer. aveam timp si loc de aici pana la cer.
you're my playground love.
I look to you for saving but you're saving someone else
She said one day she'd walk away because I was always late.
I want a kiss for goodbye.
Pimps and queens and criminal queers
sunt toti cei care imi fac ziua mai buna.
mi-e din ce in ce mai clar ca n-o sa ajung in rai.
real eyes realize real lies
ce e frumos dureaza mult prea putin.
you spin my head right round right round
sex is always the answer
you killed it
loosing her
somebody told me
when i cut you
and if i listen
drop your defenses
get you back again
she wears a smile
I never wanted you to be
winter again
take me away
now im free falling
heart without a home
its clear to me
white lines on your mind
smiling in the spot light
chase that feeling
all of my escapes
i could make you happy
if im wrong
your red lips and lies
im not fond of asking
beautiful day in my mind
so naive...
you have it all
she is a lover
cotton candy and ferris wheels
i saw you with my eyes
pretend you will come home
only one
my love affair
everything is the way it seems
i stand all alone today
dont do this now
write me a letter
not long now
you dont know much
do i even know you
all to hide yourself
were playfully alone
windy days are mine
nothing left to say
step back with me
you were so long ago
when you put them together
movement never felt so good
memories are so sweet
wake me up
the ideas we have
i ran through the daisies
kick up and relax
wheres your mind at
swaming through my mind
lets play in the leaves
memories are our only hope
so consumed with it all
mundane is your favourite
all alone on a summers day
we had fun
you light me up
are u made in china?
the closer i think i am
washed up
are u made in china?
locked for life
beauty of the bush
spin me round- monochrome
made you look
home is where the hole is
tea pot girl.
sexy thing
Carti,carti, carti, cartiii.
Raman la fel
Tell me I was wrong...
if she open her eyes.
Because of you.
you can't hide.
who's there?
can't stop loving you
together forever
Do you think I'm satisfied?
Spend my nights in dreams
I just want to be.
When did your heart go missing
I love you.
straight edge alcoholic
your revolution is a joke
sper ca-ti plac :*
=p~ ce-i al meu e pus deoparte! love struck
→ Baby don’t cry, say »ƒuck you« & smile ♥
thanks for making my day a shity day.
I just want things to be ok
Te intrebi ce fac? Fac din noapte zi!
n-ai stiut sa tragi de sfori, am cazut de mii de ori...
cu mintea limpede, strapungem limite!
si nu regret nimic, incerc sa-nvat din tot, invat sa ma implic.
will you still love me in the morning?
ieri. o ardeam lejer. aveam timp si loc de aici pana la cer.
you're my playground love.
I look to you for saving but you're saving someone else
She said one day she'd walk away because I was always late.
I want a kiss for goodbye.
Pimps and queens and criminal queers
sunt toti cei care imi fac ziua mai buna.
mi-e din ce in ce mai clar ca n-o sa ajung in rai.
real eyes realize real lies
ce e frumos dureaza mult prea putin.
you spin my head right round right round
sex is always the answer
you killed it
loosing her
somebody told me
when i cut you
and if i listen
drop your defenses
get you back again
she wears a smile
I never wanted you to be
winter again
take me away
now im free falling
heart without a home
its clear to me
white lines on your mind
smiling in the spot light
chase that feeling
all of my escapes
i could make you happy
if im wrong
your red lips and lies
im not fond of asking
beautiful day in my mind
so naive...
you have it all
she is a lover
cotton candy and ferris wheels
i saw you with my eyes
pretend you will come home
only one
my love affair
everything is the way it seems
i stand all alone today
dont do this now
write me a letter
not long now
you dont know much
do i even know you
all to hide yourself
were playfully alone
windy days are mine
nothing left to say
step back with me
you were so long ago
when you put them together
movement never felt so good
memories are so sweet
wake me up
the ideas we have
i ran through the daisies
kick up and relax
wheres your mind at
swaming through my mind
lets play in the leaves
memories are our only hope
so consumed with it all
mundane is your favourite
all alone on a summers day
we had fun
you light me up
are u made in china?
the closer i think i am
washed up
are u made in china?
locked for life
beauty of the bush
spin me round- monochrome
made you look
home is where the hole is
tea pot girl.
sexy thing
Carti,carti, carti, cartiii.
Raman la fel
Tell me I was wrong...
if she open her eyes.
Because of you.
you can't hide.
who's there?
can't stop loving you
together forever
Do you think I'm satisfied?
Spend my nights in dreams
I just want to be.
When did your heart go missing
I love you.
straight edge alcoholic
your revolution is a joke
sper ca-ti plac :*
Vreau ceva in genul asta...Nu statusuri.
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Ceva ce`mi place: P.
Ceva ce nu`mi place: P.
Ceva ce iubeasc: P.
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