Resident Evil, Call of Duty Black Ops(are optiune de zombie), Dead Rising, Dead Space.
Dead Island e pentru tine, daca ai un PC foarte bun)
Mai sunt:
The House of the Dead 2/3, e putin mai vechi, gasesti aici: busca=house+of+the+dead
Resident Evil 3/4/5
Silent Hill 4
Doom 3
Afraid of Monsters Directors Cut (un mod Half-life 1)
Land Of The Dead
Condemned Criminal Origins
Seria Doom
Survival Horror:
Dead Insland
Seria Resident Evil
Seria Dead Rising
Seria Dead Space
Alan Wake
American Nightmare
Stubbs the Zombie
Click and point:
The Walking Dead Episodes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
1 Evadarea printre zombii
2 Evadarea zombiilor 1-2
3 Asediul zombiilor
4 Brounzy
5 Atac diabolic
6 Apocalipsa nucleara
7 Fortareata zombiilor
8 Zombitron
9 Zombii in orasul infernal
10 Zombie terminator
11 Lupta cu zombii
12zombie boom
13 Lupta cu strigoii
14 Zomblower
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