Si ce windows zici ca ai instalat? Si ce sistem ai? Driverele nu sunt universale! Fara detalii nu te poate ajuta nimeni.
Salut Microsoft windows Xp Professional Version 2002 ServicePack3 Computer Intel[R] Celeron[R] CPU 440@ 2. 00GHz, 384 of mb ram DgaSave Input/Output Range 03B0 - 03BB used by:
VIA CPU to AGP Controller
Input/Output Range 03C0 - 03DF used by:
VIA CPU to AGP Controller
Memory Range 000A0000 - 000BFFFF used by:
VIA CPU to AGP Controller
driver audio/video
Main Driver:vga.dll
Date 4/14/2008 04:00:00
ddi version: unknown
Nubu Vdd:vga.sys
Device Description Type
VIA VT8237A/8251 High Definition Audio Controller PCI
asta e audio
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