| oNNeRuNN a întrebat:

De ce imi da eroarea asta cand intru in call of duty 2?
Getting Direct3D 9 interface...
Pixel shader version is 0.0
Vertex shader version is 0.0
Video card or driver doesn't accelerate transform and lighting.
Video card or driver doesn't support high-quality polygon offset.
Video card or driver doesn't support the required fixed-function texture blend operations.
DirectX 7 rendering path will not be available.
Video card or driver doesn't support direction lights in the fixed-function pipeline.
DirectX 7 rendering path will not be available.
Video card or driver doesn't support texture coordinate generation in the fixed-function pipeline.
DirectX 7 rendering path will not be available.
Video card or driver doesn't support enough texture coordinates for the DirectX 9 code path.
DirectX 9 rendering path will not be available.
Video card or driver doesn't support enough textures for the DirectX 9 code path.
DirectX 9 rendering path will not be available.
Video card or driver doesn't support enough hardware lights for the DirectX 7 code path.
DirectX 7 rendering path will not be available.
Error during initialization:
No valid rendering code path detected.

Am placa video de 64mb si cu driver instalat dc nu imi merge?

Pentru a răspunde la o întrebare trebuie să ai cont pe TPU.ro
1 răspuns:
| CrappinMorth a răspuns:

Placa video este prea slaba..chiar si pentru CoD 2.