Buna! Uite cateva jocuri bune pe care ti le recomand
Gta 3
Gta Vice City
Gta San Andreas
Nfs underground 1 si 2
Nfs Shift 1 si 2
Nfs undercover
Nfs Most Wanted
Nfs Pro Street
Nfs Carbon
Nfs Hot Pursuit 3
Nfs The Run
Call of Duty 1, 2 si 3
Euro truck simulator
train simulator
Mafia 1 si 2
Assassins creed revelation, 1 si 2
Driver San Frasisco
Fifa 07, 08, 09,10,11,12
Mass effect 1, 2
Max Payne 1 si 2
Sims 1, 2 si 3
Far cry 1 si 2
La Noire
Hitman 1, 2 si 3
Dirt 1, 2 si 3
Sbk 2012
Test Drive 1 si 2
Flatout 1 si 2
Deus ex Human
Just Cause 1 si 2
Crysis 1 si 2
The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim
The Lord of the Rings - War in the North
Batman Arkham City
Pentru aceste jocuri iti trebuie un PC bunicel.
Sper ca te-am putut ajuta
Call of duty(sunt multe)modern warfare 2, 3...
Battlefield3, badcompany2,
Metro 2033
Http://firemix.forumz.ro/f2-games(site in constructie) problema e k trebuie sa faci cont.
Mda, Deci groaza sau impscaturi. Iti recomand asa:
Dracula 3
Dead Island
LeftForDead (sunt mai multe) e esi de impuscaturi si cu zombii.
Battlefield 3
Modern Warwade 3, 4
Gears of War
Daca o sa imi dai funda o sa iti enumar peste 50 de astfel de jocuri.
Imi dai funda?
Far cry 2 sau 3 ( nu stiu daca a aparut), quake, seria call of duty( e perfecta toata), hitman.
Battlefield Bad COmpany 2 sau Battlefield 3, Call of Duty mw 3 sau Call of duty mw2... left 4 dead
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