Bunaaa am nev de ajutorr repede am acest text in engleza si vreau sa mi-l faceti in doar 10 randuri maxim Once upon a time, as would be would not tell...
Carpenter... an old man named Gepetto. He lived in a house on the outskirts of a town forgotten. One day he decided to carve a little boy out of wood, which to alleviate loneliness. After finishing the carving, Gepetto slept.
A cricket elf came into the room and seeing the wooden boy, he breathed on him and made him move. Morning carpenter saw with astonishment that the boy could move carved wood. He could not believe his eyes to his.
Considered peasant's child and called Pinocchio. The boy was very restless. Brownie cricket and says he definite to listen to advice his old father. "No I do not think that something like this is for me!" Answered Pinocchio naughty. After some time, Gepetto enrolled in school, he bought a primer and gladly drove up to the gate, the first day of school.
On the way Pinocchio came across a group of puppeteers, who just gave a show. The scene was full of puppets, and when Pinocchio went, they were pounced upon him. Seeing, the director was furious: "How dare you interrupt the show?". "-Sir, I have no one to blame reply Pinocchio. Dolls have just wanted to say hello. "Seeing how cute is the boy, gave him five bucks Director gold that Pinocchio returned home satisfied. On the way back, I passed through no thought is followed. At one point, a fox and a cat lame blind they saw. "-Where baietasule hurry, take him to get sly fox. We know how you could multiply your pennies. Come with us on the field of miracles. There, you bury pennies, the day will grow a tree with branches full of pennies. "
Pinocchio cried for help. At one point there was a good fairy who delivered and brought her home and took questions "-Where's the money? '"-I lost, tried to trick Pinocchio "Every lie, but nose grows increasingly larger. "-I promise that from now on I'll quietly. I go to school and I will listen to Gepetto, Pinocchio said through tears. "Making them into merci on him, silent and short nose. And then he went home to Gepetto. Pinocchio, in a few days to forget the promise we made. Coming out to play, he found a carriage pulled by a donkey. "Come with us, Tara Toy" lured him Pinocchio.
It did not state the thoughts. Arrived in the kingdom toys were played, lazy, forgetting the other worries. After a few days found themselves with some long ears and tail. Looked like donkeys. Some circus and went to the circus and to less Oat, were working poor in greu. Pinocchio at the earliest opportunity has arisen with regard escaped. Ran, ran, he did not know incotro. Ajuns the bank of a river, with grief and neck tied to a rock and fell into the water. The good fairy had, but after him, he untied the rope and got rid of the donkey appearance. Pinocchio shook hands and feet to reach shore as soon as possible. But, alas! a whale to swallow a lot of time with him and water. The boy was struggling in its belly trying to escape, when suddenly two strong arms caught him and pulled him from the water. Gepetto who told him that was started in search of a boat and was swallowed by the whale during a storm. Notice that night whale sleeps with his mouth open, the two were planning to escape. They rammed the tail of a fish and whale waited until he opened his mouth. Then, along with the fish came out of her mouth. At home, the old man became ill and fell to the bed. Pinocchio in care, giving them medicines and food. Sometimes, at night, the boy learns to read and write one. Seeing his good deeds, the good fairy came in the room and gave him life. The joy, the old man was healed instantly. Pinocchio became a good boy and lived together happily for a long time. scuze de categorie dar e urgenttt
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