Ce fel de Sims joci?
Daca nu apare, inseamna ca acele coduri trebuie introduse altfel (poate sa difere de la o versiune la alta).
Am citit pe forum ca trebuie sa fii atent cum tastezi acea combinatie Ctrl+Shift+C. Se mai spune ca e bine sa folosesti tasta Ctrl din stanga tastaturii si Shift din dreapta ei, apoi tasta C.
S-ar putea ca acea casuta pentru coduri sa apara.
Daca combinatia de taste mentionata e folosita de alte softuri (pentru captura ecran, spre exemplu), e posibil ca in joc sa nu functioneaze.
Am sa-ti dau mai jos cateva recomandari de pe forum (ultima din ele presupune revenirea la setarile din fabrica, dar poate nu ajungi pana acolo).
"I decided to put together a list of things to try for this
Let us know if none of those work for you.
Make sure you use the correct key combination (CTL-SHIFT-C). Mac uses the same combination.
Make sure that no screenshot or other program is running in the back that uses the same key combination like Gyazo. Especially HP computers tend to have pre-installed software that conflict with the cheat shortcut. Make sure to disable those background programs.
If you have an AMD Card, check on the settings to check if something else is assigned to the short-cut
Make sure that the game has the focus, especially when playing in windowed mode.
Try CTL-Shift-Windows key-C instead.
When in build/buy mode, make sure the focus isn’t on the search field.
Reset all settings. To do so follow these steps:
Close the game.
Move this file to the desktop: Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Options(.ini).
Start the game.
The file will be recreated.
Unfortunately this will reset all your graphics settings and similar as well and you need to re-set them.
Test if the console appears.
Happy Gaming
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