Exista o chestie numita Minecraft Nostalgia care are versiunile:
Creative 0.0. 13a_03 - Not included, won't run
Creative 0.30 - Not included, won't run
SurvivalTest 0.30 - Not included, won't run
InDev January/February? 2010 - Not included, doesn't function, can't load/create worlds. Contains Rana and other MD3 mobs, but not MD3 versions of old mobs. Has title menu.
InDev February 23 2010 - Has been patched by InsanityBringer, you can play it now!
InfDev June 18 2010
Alpha 1.0.4
Alpha 1.0. 5_01
Alpha 1.0.11
Alpha 1.0.14
Alpha 1.0.15
Alpha 1.0.16
Alpha 1.0. 17_02
Alpha 1.0. 17_04
Alpha 1.1.0
Alpha 1.1.2
Alpha 1.1. 2_01
Alpha 1.2. 0_01
Alpha 1.2. 0_02
Alpha 1.2. 1_01
Alpha 1.2.2 - Left in debug key that spawns portals
Alpha 1.2.2b - Debug key removed
Alpha 1.2.3
Alpha 1.2. 3_01
Alpha 1.2. 3_02
Alpha 1.2. 3_04
Alpha 1.2. 4_01
Alpha 1.2.5
Alpha 1.2.6
Beta 1.0
Beta 1.0_01
Beta 1.0.2
Beta 1.1.wut - No font bug, fixed lag issues with leaf decay
Beta 1.1.wut - Attempted fix
Beta 1. 1_01 - No font bug fixed
Beta 1. 1_02 - Fixed chest bug
Beta 1.2 - Lots of new content
Beta 1. 2_01
Beta 1.2_02
Beta 1.3a - Beds, diodes added. Item spawn debug code present
Beta 1.3b - Item spawn debug code removed
Beta 1.3 PC Gamer Demo - 100 Minutes of play time.
Beta 1. 3_01
Beta 1.4
Beta 1.4_01
Beta 1.5
Beta 1.5_01
Beta 1.6 - Huge mostly bugfix update.
Beta 1.6.1 - Fixed duping bugs
Beta 1.6.2 - Fixed another duping bug
Beta 1.6.3 - Attempted CPU Fix
Beta 1.6.4 - Attempted CPU Fix, again.
Beta 1.6.5 - Several fixes
Beta 1.6.6 - More fixes
Beta 1.7 - 1.7 Release
Beta 1. 7_01
Beta 1.7.2
Beta 1.7.3
Beta 1.8 Pre-release 1b - The leaked one
Beta 1.8 Pre-release 2
Beta 1.8
Beta 1.9 Pre-release 1
Beta 1.9 Pre-release 2
Beta 1.9 Pre-release 3a - Debug keys left in
Beta 1.9 Pre-release 3b - Debug keys removed
Beta 1.9 Pre-release 4
restul versiunilor daca nu le gasesti acolo le vei gasi pe: mojang.com sub la weekly chunk.
Ultima versiune stabila e de 1.2.5
Am si eu un canal daca vrei sa colaboram: dai add pe skype: theno1adimax http://www.youtube.com/user/AdimaxTM/videos
Thx am sa ma uit pe canalul tau de youtube...deocamdata imi trebuie un Pc nou... Am vazut pe youtube un minecraft in limba romana, este posibil?
Minecraft este in limba romana din versiunea 1.2.4 daca nu ma insel.Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa intri in joc, la stanga meniului options este un desen cu o planeta.Click acolo si selectezi limba.
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