Coder- God mode, all weapons, inifinite ammo
god- God mode
mortal- Disable god mode
getallweapons- All weapons
getbullettime- Put player into bullettime
getberetta- Beretta w/1000 ammo
getcoltcommando- Colt Commando w/1000 ammo
getdeserteagle- Desert Eagle w/1000 ammo
getdragunov- Dragunov w/1000 ammo
getingram- Inram w/1000 ammo
getkalashnikov- Kalashnikov w/1000 ammo
getmolotov- Molotov cocktail w/1000 ammo
getmp5- MP5 w/1000 ammo
Pump- shotgun w/1000 ammo
getsawedshotgun- Sawed-off shotgun w/1000 ammo
getsniper- Sniper rifle w/1000 ammo
getstriker- Striker gun w/1000 ammo
gethealth- 1000 health
getpainkillers- 1000 painkillers
jump10- Jump 10 high
jump20- Jump 20 high
jump30- Jump 30 high
getgraphicsnovelpart1- Fill in part of the story
getgraphicsnovelpart2- Fill in part of the story
getgraphicsnovelpart3- Fill in part of the story
showfps- Show framerate
showextendedfps- Sghow extended framerate
showhud- Turn on HUD
help- More debug commands
quit- Quit game
clear-Clear console screen
Sper sa ajute
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