Call of duty modern warfare 2, Dead Island, World of Warcraft Cataclysm.Primele 2 sunt SHOOTER.
Sunt o varietate de jocuri, majoritatea merg pe Windows 7, depinde de PC, asa mai merg Minecraft, Prototype II, 4 Story, Metin 2, GTA SA, CS 1.6, CS GO, ETS, Train Simulator 2013, Surgery Simulator 2013, Terraria, Saint Row II si III, CoD I, II, III, MW, WAW, MW II, BO, MW III, BO II etc. (O sa mai adaug cand imi vin idei)
The Amezing Spiderman, Batman Arkham City, The Godfather (1 si 2), Spiderman 3
Battlefield 1994 /Battlefield 2/3. Call of Duty 1/2/3/4/6 / Dead Space/ Sniper/1/2/3 etc.
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