25 to life, Dungeon Defenders, Gothic 3, Wars.And.Warriors-Joan.of.Arc,World of Warcraft: 2011 Tournament...
Asemanatoare cu metin. Am eu mult mai bune decat metin.
Deci sa incepem :
Metin se incadreaza in categoria MMORPG ( Massively Multiplayer Online Role Play Game )
Am sa-ti zic eu cateva MMORPGURI tari in ordine crescatoare, de la cel mai bun la cel mai prost.
1. World of warcraft
2. Guild wars 2
3. Rift
4. Star Wars old republic
5. Eve Online
6. Darkfall
7. Aion
Astea sunt unele din cele mai tari, poti sa le joci si free dar poate o sa-ti fie greu sa le faci.
Daca vrei MMORPGURI gratis.
1. lineage ( best free mmorpg )
2. Perfect World
2. Runes of Magic
3. Dungeons & Dragons
4. Fiesta
5. Grand Fantasia
6. The Lords of the Rings Online - LOTRO
7. World of Tanks
8. Shaiya
Si mai sunt... Funda pentru efort?
Pai este 4 story, Diablo 3, The Dark Eye: Satinav, Civ V: Gods & Kings, Max Payne 3 etc! Fundita
Max Payne 3, World Warcraft, 4story, Diablo3, Grand Fantasia,Cabal, Dragons Call, Rode online/Dragon Soul, wizard101, AIKA online, Runes of Magic, Kultan Online, Fredom force, Dragon age 2, Dreamlang Online etc. Fundita
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