#10: Crossfire--- http://crossfire.z8games.com/index2.aspx
#9: Army Rage---http://www.armyrage.com/
#8: Repulse---http://repulse.aeriagames.com/
#7: A.V.A--- http://ava.ijji.com/
#6: Battlefield Play4Free--- http://battlefield.play4free.com/en/
#5: Team Fortress 2--- http://www.tf2.com/freetoplay/
#4: Arctic Combat--- http://ac.webzen.com/UBT/
#3: Warface--- http://www.warface.com/
#2: Blacklight: Retribution--- http://blacklight.perfectworld.com/
#1: Tribes Ascend--- https://account.hirezstudios.com/trib...
Honorable mentions:
Combat Arms
Project Blackout/Point Blank
Arma 2
Counter-Strike Online
Sudden Attack
Upcoming Games:
PlanetSide 2
Soldier Front 2
Bullet Run
Hitman 1
Hitman Silent Assassin
Hitman Contracts
Hitman Blood Money
Hitman Absolutions
Call of Duty 1; 2; 3
Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2
Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3
Call Of Duty Black OPS
Call Of Duty Black OPS 2
Counter Strike 1.6
Delta Force
Far Cry 1; 2; 3
GTA San Andreas
GTA 4 The Ballad Of Gay Tony
GTA Liberty City The From Episodes
GTA 4 The Lost And Damned
Crysis 1; 2; 3