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Acelasi raspuns ca la intrebarile de genul asta: Real life.
Acum ce gen de joc vrei?
Cateva: Seria CoD, Seria Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry (toate 3),
Alice: Madness Returns, Prototype, Darksiders, Portal 1 si 2, FEAR (toata seria), Crysis 1, Bulletstorm, Batman Arkham Asylum, the Witcher 1 si 2, Two Worlds 2...
Mai vrei? Vrei doar un anumit gen? Da-mi mesaj.
Counter strike condition zero,Urban Freestayle Soccer,CityVille pe Facebook,Blood Rayne, Virtua Tennis 2009, Fifa 2011.
Medal of honor, Delta force2, Metin2, wow,Dota,Mu.Si cam atat.:d incearcale sunt super marfa.
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