Salut nu stiu ce tip de joc iti place si ce preferinte ai la grafica asa ca m-am gandit sa iti pun tot ce cred eu ca merita jucat:
Counter-Strike Global Offensive
Far Cry 3
Dead Space 2
Dead Island
Wourld of Tanks
Fifa 13
Pes 13
Halo 3
Assassin's Creed 3
Battlefield 3
Grand The Auto IV
Crysis 3
Need for Speed Most Wanted 2012
Prototype 2
Mass Effect 3
Shogun 2 : Total War
Dota 2
League of Legends
Resident Evil 4
Amnesia: The dark Descents
Doom 3
Clive Barkers Jericho
Si cateva jocuri cu grafica mai mica:
Grand The Auto San Andreas
Rome Total War
Depinde ce pc ai(placa video+rami).
Cele mai faine jocuri jucate de mine sunt :
Assasins Creed(toate)
Dragon Age origins si 2
Vampire Bloodlines the masquarade
Alice madness returns
CoD care vrei
The walking dead
si nu in cele din urma : The elder scrolls Skyrim