Da frate suporta Intel core 2 quad uita-te pe okazii si gasesti unul si la vreo 400 lei.
Asta costa mai mult dar daca stai sa cauti gasesti si mai ieftine.
- LGA 775 for Intel® Core™ 2 Extreme / Core™ 2 Quad / Core™ 2 Duo / Pentium® Dual Core / Celeron® Dual Core / Celeron, supporting Penryn Quad Core Yorkfield and Dual Core Wolfdale processors
- Compatible with all FSB1600*/1333/1066/800 MHz CPUs
- Supports Hyper-Threading Technology
- Supports Untied Overclocking Technology
- Supports EM64T CPU, exemple nu am gasit ca asa este si a mea!
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