Iti explic pe pasi ok?
1 Mergi la practice
2 Mergi la dificulty si ti apasat timp de 10-15 secunde block pumn mic adica low kick
si iti apar 4 optiuni pui la toate on si dupa aceea exit
si mergi la arcate sau unde vrei sa joci si cand iti scrie finish him dai in jos si pumn mare adica hight pumn sper ca te-am ajutat.Multa bafta
Trebuie sa faci ceva la optiuni sau ceva de genu.
intra pe youtube si scrie Mortal Kombat 4 Fatality sau Mortal Kombat 4 Fatality How To do ceva de genu.
Fatalities are hard to do. Here's how to make it VERY VERY easy.
1] Go to Practice. Highlight 'Difficulty' (DO NOT press enter or
any thing, just highlight so that the box-cursor is on it.)
2] Press and hold Block + LK for 10 seconds (Using the 1st
player's control). A cheat menu will appear.
3] IMPORTANT: Turn ON Fatality I OR Fatality II OR Level
Fatality, keeping the rest off.
Fatality I is if you want to do the 1st Fatality of any player.
Fatality II is if you want to do the 2nd fatality of any player.
HOWEVER Level Fatality is only possible in the Backround/Theater
of the player with which you are playing. If you turn all three
fatalities on then 'Fatality I' will work. If you turn 'Endings'
on then the game will complete after defeating only one person.
4] Exit the cheat menu and play as you normally would.
5] When 'Finish Him' comes just press Down + HP.
69 Cool, Huh?
Intra in practice si cauti dificulti sau dificulty novice si dai S pana ajunge begin ceva si apot ti apasat pe SPACE+J ep dificulty aia begin si astepti 15 10 secunte cand apesi space si si si acolo dai fatality 1 on si 2 on si apoi intri la joc si apesi Z T cand zice finish him sau finish her