Aici cateva>>>
-Gta iv.assassin's cred 3 la very of duty. battlefield 2, bioshock asta ti-l recomand eu il joc si este super, army of two, mirror's edge, pes 2010, nfs carbon, nfs mw, nfs undercover, prototype!
-Gta san andreas, call of duty, fifa, the punisher, max payne 1, 2, 3, delta force, james bond quatom of solace, james bond 007 nightfire, sims 1, 2, 3, counter-strike source, most wanted, nfs underground 2 si 1, nfs undercover, gta vice city, gta 3, gta 2, gta 1, dead of rights, L. A Steet racing si mai multe dar acum nu prea imi adug aminte
CS 1.6/source
GTA toate
jocuri din alea mici
Mafia 1
Ford racing 3
driving speed 2
Si wolfenstein il iei de aici 100% fara virusi!
plzz funda
Alexhan întreabă: