10.Slender Man The Arrival
9.DmC Devil May Cry
8. Burnout Paradise
7. Split Second
6.Street Fighter X Tekken
5.Assasin's Creed Brotherhood
4.Fifa 13
3.Prototype 2
2.Crysis (toata seria)
1. League of Legends
Cam acesta e topul meu
Nu as putea face un top...este destul de greu datorita faptului ca toate mi-au placut foarte mult...insa voi incerca:
1. Dishonored
2.Fifa 13
3.Crisys 3
4.Dead Space 2
5.Rise of Nations
7.Heroes VI
8. 4story
10. GTA Vice city
9. Devil May Cry
8. Fifa 13
7. Counter Strike 1.6
6. Metin2
5. League Of Legends(LoL)
3.Gta IV From Liberty City
2. AC 3
1. Saints Row The Third (3)
10.Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2, 3, 4
9. Mirror's Edge
8.Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
7.Cabal Online
6.Amnesia The Dark Decent
5.The Walking Dead Survival Instinct
4. World Of Warcraft [server privat Freakz]
3.The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim
2.Batman Arkham City/Arkahm Asylum
1.The Walking Dead [Telltale Games]
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