| gabytzu707 a întrebat:

Hay TPU! Jucam Smashmuck Chamions(un moba). Dupa ce mi-am restartat windowsul,am reinstalat jocul si mi-a scris asa,,Smashmuck.exe" has encountered a problem and needs to close.We are sorry for the inconvenience."Am sters jocul si l-am reinstalat,iar acum imi apare asa:,, The game crashed.The crash report folder named,, Crash_2013-12-20_143330"next to game executable.It would be great if you'd send to the developer of the game!"Nu stiu cum sa fac jocul sa mearga.Cine stie sa ma ajute, va rog raspundeti(cum pot rezolva a 2-a eroare.Dau funda1