Salut,daca trebuie modata asta depinde de ce doresti tu. Daca doresti sa te joci jocuri direct de pe hard fara sa mai cumperi jocuri tip dvd atunci, da, trebuie modata. Daca este ps3 slim este cel mai bun pentru modari apoi super slim si la sfarsit este ps3 fat (phat) eu asa am inteles de la cel care se ocupa cu modari ps3.
"You can't install games on external USB drives. Games will only run off of the internal hard drive.
You can replace the internal hard drive. It will take any standard SATA 2.5" (laptop-sized) drive. The drive will be reformatted automatically. See How to upgrade your PS3 hard drive. I upgraded to a 1 TB drive. It took maybe ten minutes to do the swap, but a few hours to backup before the swap and a few more to restore.
You can back up to a USB hard drive, though it takes forever." sursa