Inseamna ca jocul e deja activat si tu ai cumparat doar cutia si cd-ul(care nu te ajuta cu nimic). Tipul ti-a vandut doar carcasa si te-a pacalit(presupunand ca era al lui si nu la primit/luat anterior). Daca vrei jocuri ieftine cel mai okey e sa le iei de pe site-uri cu reduceri gen g2a, humble bundle, etc. Daca vrei o versiune mai'' gratuita'' lasa comment si te ajut. ^^
Nu stiu ce sa zic, i-am adus la cunostinta faptul.El mi-a trimis urmatoarele instructiuni : Taken from Square Enix Support. Applicable for all Steam Games:
Follow these steps to install from disc while Hitman: Absolution is downloading:
■Pause the download
■Delete the game's Local Content (right click)
■Restart Steam and ensure there are no remaining files and that no files are currently downloading
■Reinsert the disc and launch the installer
If standard installation fails, please do the following to force the install and launch it from disc:
1. Close Steam (Steam Menu > Exit).
2. Open the Windows Start menu and select Run ( Windows XP users) or type Run in the Search box and choose 'Run' from the list (Windows Vista/Windows 7 users).
'Run' can alternatively be opened by holding down the Windows key and tapping the 'R' key.
3. In the newly opened Run window, type the following:
C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe -install E: Replace E: with the CD/DVD drive letter you are installing from if it is different. Replace C:\Program Files\Steam\ with the correct directory if you have not installed Steam to the default location.
4. Click OK.
If the game only installs 1 disc, Steam will still attempt to download the second disc's contents (12GB). In this case, before clicking on 'continue' when prompted to insert the second disc, open 'My Computer', insert disc 2 and ensure the disc tray reflects that disc 2 has been inserted. Click 'Continue' only onTaken from Square Enix Support. Applicable for all Steam Games:
Follow these steps to install from disc while Hitman: Absolution is downloading:
■Pause the download
■Delete the game's Local Content (right click)
■Restart Steam and ensure there are no remaining files and that no files are currently downloading
■Reinsert the disc and launch the installer
If standard installation fails, please do the following to force the install and launch it from disc:
1. Close Steam (Steam Menu > Exit).
2. Open the Windows Start menu and select Run ( Windows XP users) or type Run in the Search box and choose 'Run' from the list (Windows Vista/Windows 7 users).
'Run' can alternatively be opened by holding down the Windows key and tapping the 'R' key.
3. In the newly opened Run window, type the following:
C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe -install E: Replace E: with the CD/DVD drive letter you are installing from if it is different. Replace C:\Program Files\Steam\ with the correct directory if you have not installed Steam to the default location.
4. Click OK.
If the game only installs 1 disc, Steam will still attempt to download the second disc's contents (12GB). In this case, before clicking on 'continue' when prompted to insert the second disc, open 'My Computer', insert disc 2 and ensure the disc tray reflects that disc 2 has been inserted. Click 'Continue' only once this has been verified.ce this has been verified. Am mai intalnit cazuri de genu ar trebui sa intru in steam sa-descarc de ubdeva dar sunt cam nou cu astea! Sa fie abureala?
Nu o sa mearga jocul deoarece cine l-a cumparat a folosit cd-key pe steam-ul lui. Si tu cumperi jocuri de pe olx bravo :]]]]]]]. Cumarale de la Altex desteptovici
Omule am mai auzit cazuri!
Jocul cica e standalone nu e inregistrat pe steam
xScorpion4626 întreabă: