| anonim_4396 a întrebat:

Hei tpu.Am pe un laptop cu skype insa a trebuit sa reinstalez windows-ul si nu am avut timp sa-mi salvez fisierele importante, prin urmare am pierdut converstatiile.Am nevoie de niste mesaje foarte importante, pe care le am pe un iPad.Cum pot transpune mesajele cu pricina pe laptop? Va rog mult sa ma ajutati, multumesc anticipat

2 răspunsuri:
| radubz a răspuns:

O sa-ti scriu instructiunile in Engleza. Daca nu te descurci, poti folosi Google Translate. PE iPad, cauti fisierul cu numele main.db, si il copiezi pe PC(laptop), aici si asa:

Press and hold the Windows key on your keyboard, then press R to bring up the Run window.
Type %appdata%\Skype into the Run window and press OK.
Navigate to the folder named after your Skype Name.
Right click on the folder itself and select Copy. This will copy the entire folder including all its contents.
Save the folder to an external media device.
On your new computer, install and sign in to Skype so that the necessary folder is created, then sign out of Skype again.
Still on your new computer, go to the Run window again, type %appdata%\Skype and press OK.
Navigate to the folder named after your Skype Name.
Replace the entire folder (named after your Skype Name) with the folder that you saved in step 4 and 5.
Sign in to Skype. Your chat history will be there when you browse through your conversations.


| TFKatarina a răspuns (pentru radubz):

Multumesc,doar ca am incercat, insa pe ipad nu gasesc fisierul main.db