Kaching - Adds 1, 000 simoleons
Motherlode - Adds 50, 000 simoleons
expand - Expands or contracts the cheat window
moveObjects on - Turns moving of objects on
moveObjects off - Turns moving of objects off
aging -on - Turns aging of sims on
aging -off - Turns aging of sims off
autoPatch -on - Turns game autoupdate on
autoPatch -off - Turns game autoupdate on
slowMotion [value] - Make you set the game speed (# = 0 to 8, 0 is normal)
deleteAllCharacters - Remove all Sims
help - Lists all the cheats in the game
help [cheatname] - Displays specific information about the cheat
exit - Closes the cheat window
tyidio - gives you a free plasma screen tv
sonysquad - gives you 5, 000, 000 simuleons.
moneymoneymoney - gives you 10, 000, 000 simuleons.
unlockcareerrewards - Unlock career rewards.
Open the console by pressing Ctrl+Shift+C simultaneuosly.then press the `
button under escape on your keeboard. Then type kaching or motherlode and
press enter. Note that the cheat screen did not close. Then press the up
button and the previously typed cheat wil appear again.press enter and
continue so forth till your hearts content.
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