Intra in proprietatile shortcut-ului si schimba numele in "maxpayne2.exe -developer" apoi intra in joc si in timp ce joci apasa ~ sa aduci consola unde sa scrii parolele.
Start the game with maxpayne2.exe -developer, then press ~ to open the
console. To do this you right click on your shortcut (which is usually
on your desktop) and add -developer after the target line, here's an
_example_: "C:/Games/Max Payne 2/MaxPayne2.exe" -developer. Then there
shouldn't be any problems bringing up the console during gameplay.
Intra in proprietatile shortcut-ului si schimba numele in "maxpayne2.exe -developer" apoi intra in joc si in timp ce joci apasa ~.
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