Salut nu stiu sigur ce cerinte ai dar uite niste jocuri un mic top :.
Call of duty. 1.2.3.
Call of duty Back ops 1.2
The las of us (the best game for ever )
Assasin' Creed 1, 2, 3
Gta 4 si in curad gta 5
Resident evil 4/5/6
Tomb raider Raybow six vegas
Tomb Raider Splinter cell (toata seria )
Poti incerca si ceva soccer (fifa 11, 12, 13)
Left 4 dead 1, 2
Orc must die 1/2 ( un joc funny )
Assasin creed
fifa 13
gta iv
call of duty
the walking dead
saints row 4 sau 3
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