| darius19 a întrebat:

HostName: DevilZ:The Official GF Server [0.3x]
Address: gta.devilz.ro:7777
Players: x / 100
Ping: 3
Mode: DevilZ GF
Map: San Andreas


Police Departament
National Guard
The Mafia
The Triads
TowCar Company
Hitman Agency
News Reporter
Taxi Company
License Faction
Las Venturas Vagos
Varios Los Aztecas
Grove Street





Detective (Detectiv)
Lawyer (Avocat) $
Car Mechanic (Mecanic de masini)
Bodyguard (Garda de corp)
Car Dealer (Vanzator de masini) $
Bus Driver (Conducator de autobuz)
Trucker (Camionagiu)
Garbeage Collector (Gunoier) $
Paper Boy (Ziarist)


Arms Dealer (Traficant de arme) $$$
Drug Dealer (Traficant de droguri) $$
Car Jacker (Spargator de masini) $

[b]# Alte informatii Importante:

[b]1.Sistem Events:
Pe server sunt instalate eventuri automate si eventuri facute de helperi/admini.

GunGame Event, Derby Event, Derby Hunting Event.
Fast Event,Math Event,Stunt Event, Servieta si GetWet.
Eventuri de tip: deagle(/joindevent), molotov(/joinmlevent), ak47(/joinak47event), m4(/joinm4event), grenade(/joingevent)
Last Car Standing(LCS), Last Boat Standing(LBS), Last Truck Standing(LTS)
Eventuri pe forum: Last Gang Standing(LGS), Supremacy(Suprematie), Deagle Masters(1vs1 | 2vs2), Faction War.

2.Sistem Shop:
Avem 2 sisteme de tip "Shop" pe server.

Sistem Mats Shop. (Materials Shop)
Sistem Drugs Shop. (Drugs Shop)

3.Sistem Coins:
Cu "Coinurile" poti cumpara un bonus de mats,drugs,respect, bani.Primesti 1 Coin pe ora.
[*]10 Coin = 2, 5kg Drugs
[*]10 Coin = 20.000(20k) Mats
[*]20 Coin = 2 Respect Points
[*]50 Coin = 1.000.000$(1kk) Bani
[size=8pt]Informatii: Comenzi (/produsecoin) si (/coin)[/size]

3.Alte informatii:

War ce consta in premii de Drugs, Mats si Bani.
NRG-500 (Gratis la level 3).
Masina personala (Gratis la level 4)
Premium Accounts. (Cont Premium [V.I.P])
3 Cluburi (NFS Club si NRG Club, INFERNUIS Club)

[color=#000000]POZE SERVER :

[color=#000000]Video-uri SERVER :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=n FVIKcECSvs
[b]Intra si tu chiar acum!

CopyRight ˆ 2013 - DevilZ Server

3 răspunsuri:
| darius19 explică:

Care joaca pe server primeste funda + vot

| Mihail2020 a răspuns:

Intri pe server si abia sunt cativa playeri.
Nici nu stii cum o ei de la 0?

| darius19 explică:

Astazi am fost 50, o sa fim si maine la fel. intra doar