At the main menu, select "My WWE", "Options", then "Cheat Codes".
Enter one of the following codes to unlock the corresponding bonus:
-=Tribute To The Troops arena=-
Enter "8thannualtribute" as a code to unlock the Tribute To The Troops
-=Cruiserweight, Hardcore, and Million Dollar Championship belts=-
Enter "historicalbelts" as a code to unlock the Cruiserweight, Hardcore,
and Million Dollar Championship title belts.
-=John Cena Street Fight gear=-
Enter "slurpee" as a code to unlock the John Cena Street Fight gear and
John Cena "Never Give Up" t-shirt for your avatar.
-=Randy Orton alternate attire=-
Enter "apexpredator" as a code to unlock the Randy Orton alternate attire.
slurpee John Cena Street Fight(lupta pe strada)
Never Give Up un tricou
apexpredator Randy Orton(deblocare)
Acestea le pui in: In joc => Meniu principal apoi "My WWE", "Options", apoi "Cheat Codes".
Din cate stiu eu nu a aparut SmackDown Vs Raw 2011 pentru PC. Si din pacate nici nu o sa apara. Cei de la THQ s-au gandit ca e mult mai profitabil sa faca jocul doar pentru platformele PlayStation si Xbox 360. E posibil ca tu sa ai o arhiva protejata de parola care in nici un caz nu este SM Vs Raw 2011.
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