1. What does RP stand for in terms of this server?
Real Play
Race Place
Role Play
Real Person
2. What are the correct definitions for IC and OOC?
OOC: Out Of Character, IC: In Character
OOC: Over Occupied Character, IC: Ideal Character
OOC: Out Of Character, IC: Independant Character
OOC: Out Of Car, IC: In Car
3. What does DM mean?
Death Matching - attacking someone without a reason
Driving Maniacs - non RP drivers
Dumb Music that's not your taste
Daily Mail - the newspaper at the general store
4. What is the proper use of /advert?
/advert Selling mats!
/advert buying all cocaine for max price
/advert Selling a new 1992 Blista Compact for 30 grand.
/advert Looking for a professionally trained mechanic capable of repairing bodywork, /pm me.
5. What is the correct purpose of the /n chat?
OOC chat channel but only if you are RPing
Get a list of everyones phone number
Contacting Admins
Newbie chat for questions related to the server only
6. What should you do when you see someone hacking/cheating?
/pm the hacker and tell them to stop
State the player is hacking using OOC chat
/report the player
Go and kill the player
7. What is the correct example of a proper English sentence?
I have eat a pizza tomorrow.
I have ate a pizza tomorrow.
I did eat a pizza tomorrow.
I will eat a pizza tomorrow.
8. What is the correct example of a proper English sentence?
How can I make money?
How can I make an money?
How I make the money?
How I can make money?
9. Which one of these is not an official RCRP rule?
No driver-shooting.
You may only Water Evade in a police chase.
No helicopter blade-killing.
Do not spam commands such as /report.
10. What is the limit on robbing money?
$10, 000
There is no limit
11. What is the correct way of greeting someone you have not met ICly?
(( Hi Mark! ))
Hi Mark!
(( Hello there, what's your name? ))
Hello there, what's your name?
12. What does Bunnyhopping mean?
Hitting the jump key repeatedely to travel faster on foot
Using a BMX to carpark somebody
Jumping on somebodys head to kill them
Running from side to side making it harder to be shot at
13. Which option below is always fully OOC?
Event started by an Admin
Admin Jail
911 Call
14. What is the purpose of /b?
As a general, global OOC chat
As a general, local IC chat
As a general, local OOC chat
As a general, global IC chat
15. What is the correct way to use /do?
/do Hey
/do SASP sucks.
/do Going AFK.
/do *You can hear an engine starting*
16. If you meet an officer which is corrupt ICly, what should you do?
Send a PM to one of his superiors at once!
Tell one of his superiors about it ICly.
Tell him in /b to stop being corrupt.
Post screenshots of it in the complaints section.
17. If you're ingame and in need of help from an Admin, what should you do?
Use /assistance.
PM an admin and ask for help.
Ask everyone around you for help using /s.
Ask the question in /me.
18. What is the scam limit on this server?
$100, 000
19. Define ban evading.
Rejoining the game with a new IP after being kicked
Disable the SAMP Ban feature on your client
Using /q
Rejoining the game with a new IP after being banned
20. Which of the following concludes the rule 'You must remain In Character...'
... at all times, no exceptions
... at all times, unless permission from an Admin is given
... at all times, unless you are serving jail time
... at all times, unless you have just died or became seriously injured
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