Cred ca jocurile astea merge pe laptop:P
Crysis 2
Battlefield 3
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Dead Space 2
Duke Nukem Forever
Half-Life 2
Far Cry 2
Quake 4
Resident Evil 5
Call of Juarez: Bound In Blood
Aliens vs Predator
Delta Force Xtreme 2, Lost Planet, Soldier Of Fortune, Time Shift, Shadow Ops, Company of Heroes
-The Lord Of The Rings Conquest
-F.E.A.R 3
-Arma 2
-Brothers In Arms
-Call Of Duty 4
-Battlefield Bad Company 2
-Mass Effect 2
-PES 2012
-M.I.A MIsiion In Asia
-Driver San Fran cisco
-World Racing 2
-Test Drive Unlimited
-Medieval 2 Toatal War
-Sims 3
-Mount and Blade With Fire and Sword
-Gta San Andreas
-The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim
10.Age Of Empire 3 (nu cere cerinte mari)
9.The Great Battles Medievals (nu cere cerinte mari)
8.Man Of War (cere cerinte putin mai ridicate)
7.Company Of Heroes (si acesta cere cerinte
6.Mount and Blade With Fire and Swrod (nu cere cerinte prea ridicate)
5.Rise Of Nation (cerinte medii)
4.Rome Total War (si acesta cere cerinte ridicate)
3. Empire Total War (cere cerinte ridicate)
2.Napoleon Total War (si acesta cere cerinte ceva mai ridicate)
1.Medieval 2 Toatal War (cere cerinte ridicate)
-Driver San Fracnisco
-Flattout 2
-Test Drive Unlimtied
-World Racing 2
-Driving Simualtor 2011
Mai sunt cu tiruri:
-German Truck Simulator
-Euro Truck Simulator
-Wheels Of Steel Extreme Trucke r2
-Wheels Of Steel Long Haul
-King Of The Road
-Tanker Truck Simulator 2011
-Mafia 2
-The GodFather 2
-Saints Row The Third
-PES 12
-Mass Effect 2
-Battlefield Bad Company 2
-F.E.A.R 3
-S.T.A.L.K.E.R Call Of Pripyat
-Arma 2
-Far Cry 2
-Assassins Creed
-Operation FlashPoint
-Call Of Duty 4 MW1
-Medieval 2 Total Wat
-Rome Total War
Uite aici poate iti mai place vreunul:
Bah du-te de aici! unde iti merge tie battlefield bad company 2 sau call of juarnez sau total war? la 1GB ram
Ma i-am dat o list de jocuri intelegi?
Am zis sa le incerce pe toate...Asa ca gura
Devil may cry 3, world of warcraft 3 : reign of chaos sau the frozen throne, max payne 2, blood rayne 2, need for speed most wanted sau underground 2 sau carbon, Mortal Kombat 4, guilty gear x2, spider-man 2 si 3, call of duty 1, medal of honor, starcraft 2 si cu xpansionu broodwar daca optezi si pentru mmorpg poti incerca 9dragons, rune of magic, lord of the rings etc.
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