| alex_9886 a întrebat:

Mi-am luat acum Driver san francisco si am facut tot ce ziceau instructinunile mai putin stersul fiserului cerut pentru ca nu il gasesc si daca nu il ster imi da erroare...cum as putea sa il gasesc mentionez ca am win XP si am incercat cu search straight face... dau funda celui care ma ajuta Unpack the release
2. Mount or burn image
3. Install
4. Run the update from the UPDATE folder on the DVD
5. Copy everything from the SKIDROW folder to the game installation
6. In C:UsersUSERNAMEAppDataLocalUbisoft Game Launcher delete
settings. yml before u start the game for the first time
7. Play the game
8. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy

1 răspuns:
| Ezio a răspuns:

Urmeaza Pasii:
1. Start
2. My Computer
3. Tools
4. Folder Option
5. Wiew
6. Bifeaza Show hidden files and folders
7. My Computer
8. Local Disk (Chappy
9. Documents and Settings
10. Ussers
11. Local Settings
12. Application Data
13. Ubisoft Game Launcher.
In final ai ajuns la acest fisier numit "settings.yml" si acum il poti STERGE.