Ai cerinte destul de bune insa laptopurile nu sunt pentru gaming.
Oircum poti incerca:
-Mass Effect 2
-Battlefield Bad Company 2
-F.E.A.R 3
-Arma 2
-M.I.A Mission In Asia
-The Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion
-Driver San Francisco
-PES 2012
-Virtual Tennis 4
-Medal Of Honor Pacific Assault
-Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
-Far Cry 2
-James Cameron Avatar The Game
-Star Wras The Kngihts Of The Old Republic
-World Racing 2
-Rome Total War
-Mount and Blade With Fire and Sword
-NFS Shift 2
-Dirt 2
-Sims 3
-The Godfather 2
-Mafia 2
-Saints Row The Third
-Driver Paralell Lines
-True Crimes New York City
-Hitman Blood Money
-Max Payne 2
-The Lord Of The Rings Conquest
-Company Of Heroes
-Gta San Andreas
-Call Of Duty 4 MW 1
-Brothers In Arms
-S.T.A.L.K.E.R Call Of Prypiat
-Fifa 2012
Pai in primul rand laptopul nu este pentru gaming.Mai ales cu placa ta cam proasta (fara suparare). Iata aici cateva jocuri PC
Farcry 2
Mass Effect 2 si 3
Fifa 2012
Dragon age origins
Saints Row 3
Rome total war
Ridge Racer unbounded
NFS Most Wanted sau Hot Pursuit
Kingdoms of Amalur
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