1. jocurile wwe sunt numai pentru conosle pentru ca e foarte greau sa te joci de pe tastaruta, crede-ma. Poftim si cerintele daca iti trebuie:Operating Systems supported: Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Vista® or 7 with Intel® Pentium® II 450MHz, AMD Athlon® 600MHz or faster processor (or equivalent). Mac OS X 10.4, 10.5 or 10.6 with Intel Core™ Duo 1. 33GHz or faster processor. A minimum 128MB of RAM and 128MB of graphics memory is required all operating systems supported. Browsers (All browsers listed must have Flash 10.3 or above installed): Internet Explorer 7 and above; Mozilla Firefox 4.0 and above; Google Chrome 10 and above; Safari 4.0 and above Astept funda
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