Voi incepe eu care detin pe Iphone urmatoare jocuri...:
1: Asassin's Creead
2: Dungeon Hunter
3: Terminator Salvatoin
4: Asphalt4/5
5: NFS Shift/Undercover
6: Fast & Furious
7: Skater Nation
8: Touchgrind
9: IFighter
10: Kroll
11: Pirates
12: IronMan
13: Brothers In Arms(hour of heroes)
14: Enigmo
15: FieldRunners
16: Monopoly
17: Labyrinth/Labyrinth 3d/Labirinth 2
18: Silent Hill (cam lame)
19: The Sims 3
20: MotionBowl
21: Quake 3
22: COD zombies/COD Modern Warfare 2
23: Hero Of Sparta
24: IHalo
26: Wolfenstien RPG
27: N.O.V.A.
28: Gangstar
29: EarthWormJim
30: Chuck Norris Bring the Pain
31: Guitar Hero tour
32: Blades of Furry
Aplicatii haioase :
1: iPint
2: iFart
3: Earth3D
4: Pianist
5: Koi Pound
6: Fluid
7: WaterGlobe
Aplicatii utile :
2: Free Browser
3: Skype
4: Y! Messenger
5: IFile
6: IntelliScreen
7: Cydia
8: Rock
9: Installous
10: aTube
11: WinterBoard
12: VWallpaper(video wallpaper/video ringtone(foarte smechera aplicatia))
13: FontSwap
14: iBlank
15: Freememory
16: SwapMode (baga iphone/ipod-ul in safe mode unde nu sunt deschise toate aplicatiile si te poti juca fara sa iti mearga sacadat orice joc /pana acum mie mi-a mers sacadat pe Iphone 3G in modul normal doar Gangstar (GTA))
xScorpion4626 întreabă: