| GennJayJay10 a întrebat:

am nevoie de rezolvarea pentru mai toate jocurile pe care le instalez :
1. DeadPool.exe -system Error
The program can"t start because MSVCR100.dll is missing from your computer. Try to reinstall the program to fix this problem.

Dupa ce pun ce imi cere arata asta:

2. DeadPool.exe -system Error
The program can"t start because MSVCP100.dll is missing from your computer. Try to reinstall the program to fix this problem.

L-am pus si pe asta dar :

3.Deadpool.exe Entry Point Not Found
The procedure entry point
? 1_Scoped_lock@_ReentrantPPLLock@details@Concurrency@@QAE @XZ could not be located in the dynamic link library MSVCR100.dll.

3 răspunsuri:
| GennJayJay10 explică:

Nu merge am am incercat de mult asta Alte Solutii?

| jmecheriepefelie a răspuns:

Incearca sa pui MSVCR100.dll in folderul jocului si poate asa merge. happy

| jmecheriepefelie a răspuns (pentru jmecheriepefelie):

Si cu MSVCP100.dll la fel.