| Xb0y a întrebat:

SALL TPU! Cine poate sa-mi spuna niste jocuri pentru calculatorul meu:
AMD Athlon Dual Core
Procesor 4450 e
2, 30 ghz, 1, 75 gb ram
Service Pack 2
Al carui raspuns are mai multe jocuri intresante primeste funda.big grin

Pentru a răspunde la o întrebare trebuie să ai cont pe TPU.ro
Răspuns Câştigător
| Andrei7520152 a răspuns:

FPS shooter: Quake 2/3/4, Doom 3, Half Life 1/ Half Life Opposing Force (expansion), Half life 2, Unreal 2, Unreal Tournament (UT99), Unreal Tournament 2003/2004, No One Lives Forever 2, Serious Sam 1/2, Max Payne 1/2, Postal 2, Painkiller, Painkiller Battle out of Hell (expansion), GTA 3/Vice City/San Andreas, Cstrike 1.6, Call of Duty 1/2, Call of Duty 1 United Offensive (expansion), Medal of Honor Allied Assault, Medal of Honor Pacific Assault, Delta Force Black Hawk Down, Farcry 1, Armed Assault ( arma 1)

horror: Silent Hill 2/3/4, Resident Evil 3/4, Clive Barker's Undying, Condemned Criminal Origins, Doom 3, Call of Cthulhu Dark Corners of the Earth, House of the Dead 3, Penumbra Black Plague, F.E.A.R., The Suffering

Stealth - Thief 2, Thief Deadly Shadows, Splinter Cell 1/2/3, Hitman 1/2/3, Sniper Elite, Chronicles of Riddick Escape from Butcher Bay, Hitman Blood Money, Manhunt

RPG: Gothic 1/2, Baldur's Gate 1/2, Nox, Diablo 1/2, Heroes of Might and Magic 5, Fable the Last Chapter, Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines

Racing: Flatout 1/2, NFS underground 2/Carbon/Most Wanted, NFS 5 Porsche, Bus Simulator, Juiced, Street Race Syndicate, Crashday, Euro Truck Simulator

adventure/arcade: Prince of Persia Sands of Time/Warrior Within/Two Thrones, Duke Nukem Manhattan Project etc

strategie rts: Warcraft 3 reign of chaos, Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne, Age of Mythology, age of empires 2/3, c&c Generals, Blitzkrieg 1, Rome total war, Stronghold, Medieval total war, Earth 2150, Simcity 4

5 răspunsuri:
| Andrei7520152 a răspuns:

Ar trebui sa-ti faci un upgrade de la windows xp service pack 2 la service pack 3. unele jocuri nu merg pe sp2.
si voi de ce nu listati niciodata placa video?

| Eduard98 a răspuns:

Sall eu iti recomand assasin cred revelation assasin cred brokenhod driver san fracisco whel man

| TƎD a răspuns (pentru Eduard98):

Aproape fiecare cuvant din numele jocurilor a fost gresit.

| Eduard98 a răspuns (pentru TƎD):

Da am gresit la assasin cred brokenhod era broatherhood

| TƎD a răspuns (pentru Eduard98):

Iar ai gresit.Cati ani ai?