Nu prea sunt jocuri pentru tine. Cauta pe google Can you run it si vezi acolo o selectie de jocuri pe care le poti testa sa vezi daca merg. Dar crede-ma ca nu sunt multe jocuri care iti merg (din cauza placii video). Bafta
Iti dau niste jocuri care le joc la tara pe sistemul meu mai vechi?
Star Trek Voyager
Codename Eagle
Jaws Unleashed
Line of Sight Vietnam
The Great Escape
ZanZarah The Hidden Portal
Desperados 2 Coopers Revenge
Urban Chaos
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
Grand Theft Auto 3
Grand Theft Auto Vice City
Need for Speed Carbon
Need for Speed Most Wanted
Call Of Duty 1
Call Of Duty 2
GTR Evolution
Total Overdose
Quake 3 Arena
Far Cry
Hitman 2 Silent Assassin
Need For Speed: UnderGround
25 To Life
Tru Crime LA
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
Judge Dredd Dredd VS Death
Postal 2
The Thing
Age of Pirates Caribbean Tales
Robin Hood The Legend of Sherwood
Age of Empires
Age of Empires 2
Thief The Dark Project
Will Rock
The Operative No One Lives Forever
Freedom Fighters
Dungeon Siege II
Guild Wars
Blood Magic 2
Pirates of the Carribean
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