| Lefter_Adrian_1998 a întrebat:

Mi-am repus windows-ul ( windows xp - x32-x16 bit ) si cand vreau sa-mi descarc minecraft, imi scrie :

Setup Minecraft Romania.exe. .NET.Framework Initialization Error

To run this application, you first must install one of the following version of the NET.Framework :
Contact your application publisher for instruction about obtaining the appropiate version of the NET.Framework.

Ce trebuie sa fac? trebuie sa instalez NET.Framework cred, am gasit dar numai versiuni pentru x64 bit, iar eu am x32bit.

Deci va rog AJUTATI-MA!

3 răspunsuri:
| Lefter_Adrian_1998 explică (pentru StalkerSoul):

Am zis ca am x32bit, si aia e pentru x64bit, deci nu e ce imi trebuie sad

| StalkerSoul a răspuns (pentru Lefter_Adrian_1998):

Supported Architectures:

ia64 (some features are not supported on ia64 for example, WPF)

x86=32 bit!