Online(cu alti playeri):4Story(eg,nexon,ro,gates of andaron, global), Conquer2.0,Minecraft,counter strike, Si fara alti Playeri:Age of Empires 2, Lord of The Rings Conquest, Warcraft, Star Wars logic, Heroes III, Pacman 3, Pacman Rally, gta Vice City, Lord Of The Rings war in the north, lord of the rings logic, ice age 3, Cossacks, Farm Frenzy 3, Cars Mater, Cars 2, Cars 3, Martial arts of Kapoeira, Games House Collection(160 sunt), Call of Duty, Medal of Honor. Funda?!
Am uitat sa mentionez ca nici pe asta! mersi oricum
Online(cu alti playeri):4Story(eg,nexon,ro,gates of andaron, global), Conquer2.0,Minecraft,counter strike, Si fara alti Playeri:Age of Empires 2, Lord of The Rings Conquest, Warcraft, Star Wars logic, Heroes III, Pacman 3, Pacman Rally, gta Vice City, Lord Of The Rings war in the north, lord of the rings logic, ice age 3, Cossacks, Farm Frenzy 3, Cars Mater, Cars 2, Cars 3, Martial arts of Kapoeira, Games House Collection(160 sunt), Call of Duty, Medal of Honor. Funda?
Tomb Raider 2013; Fifa 13, GTA IV; Assasin's Creed III; The saboteur; Battlefield 2 si 3; si multe altele. Poti cauta pe site-urile celor de la Rockstar si EA Games