Mafia 2,3, Tomb Raider, Rise of the Tomb Raider, The witcher 3, Dishonored 1 si 2, Shadow of mordor, Shadow of war, Prey, Doom, Resident evil 7, Call of Juarez gunslinger, Max payne 3.
The witcher 3, Dishonored 1, 2 NIER: Automata, Skyrim, Fallout 4, Doom, Portal 1, 2 Life is strange, si life is strange before the storm, Little inferno, Undertale, papers please, Titian souls, Hyper light drifter, Abzu, The talos principle, Ori and the blind forest, LIMBO, INSIDE, Hollow knight, Enter the gungeon, Slime rancher, Gang beasts, Candle, Hellblade, Seuna's sacrifice, Dark souls 3, Cuphead, Ghost of a tale, Hob, Firewatch, Unravel, The first tree, Pyre, Bastion, Transistor, AC Origins, Anthem(cand apare) Star citizen(cand apare), Viscera cleanup detail, The binding of Isaac:rebirth, Just cause 3, Dragon age:origins, AER: memories of old, This war of mine, Overwatch, Si ar mai fi si altele, dar mi s-a facut lene :-) Oricum, industria e full de jocuri faine, intra si tu pe steam, si vezi discovery queue-uri pe care ti le da, sunt acolo jocuri faine, de de care probabil nu ai auzit, dar ti-ar placea. Toate cele bune!
Am dat deja funda, dar pacat nu ti-o pot da si tie...(multumesc)
Eh, nu sunt aici pentru funde... Adica nu imi pasa, am deja contul de senior, punctele sunt irelevante acum, tot ce vreau eu e sa ajut lumea
Nu multumesc, nu imi place jocul
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