| Sebastian_Nedelcu_1998 a întrebat:

am si eu o intrebare am pe PC windows 7 si vreau sa joc return of the castel Wolf
----- FS_Startup -----
Current search path:
C:\Users\ARSSURA\Desktop\Return to Castle Wolfenstein(www.fullypcgames.net)\Return to Castle Wolfenstein\main\sp_pak2.pk3 (232 files)
C:\Users\ARSSURA\Desktop\Return to Castle Wolfenstein(www.fullypcgames.net)\Return to Castle Wolfenstein\main\sp_pak1.pk3 (1342 files)
C:\Users\ARSSURA\Desktop\Return to Castle Wolfenstein(www.fullypcgames.net)\Return to Castle Wolfenstein/main

1574 files in pk3 files
----- CL_Shutdown -----
Couldn't load default.cfg
si imi da o eroare! asta! ce trebuie sa fac? PC are resursele astea hdd 80 gb -placa video ati radeon 9250 256mb -ramm-2gb! va rog spuneti-mi si ce jocuri mi-ar merge pe PC meu! dau funda!

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