Pai procesorul e cam mic. Nfs most wanted 2012 cere 2ghz dual- core. SI dx 10.1 (minimum). Cel mai bine ar fi sa iti iei un procesor i5. o placute de ram de 2 gb, si o placa video de 2 gb
Un baiat care se pricepe mi-a spus ca este dual core procesorul si Pc-u meu e cumparat in 2012? am rezolvat-o intr-un fel cu rezolutia mai mica merge stas >oricum mersi De raspuns.
N-ai pentru ce
Windows Vista (Service Pack 1) 32-bit
CPU: 2 GHz Dual Core (Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or Althon X2 2.7 GHz)
HDD: 20 GB
Graphics card (AMD): DirectX 10.1 compatible with 512 MB RAM (ATI Radeon 3000, 4000, 5000 or 6000 series, with ATI Radeon 3870 or higher performance)
Graphics card (NVIDIA): DirectX 10.0 compatible with 512 MB RAM (NVIDIA GeForce 8, 9, 200, 300, 400 or 500 series with NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT or higher performance)
Sound card: DirectX Compatible
Keyboard and Mouse
DVD Rom Drive
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