Ma enerveaza cum toti zic ca pentru ca n'ai un calc super performant, nu te poti juca jocuri ca lumea. uite aici:
FPS (shooter) : Half Life 1/2, Quake 3, Painkiller, Unreal 2, Unreal Tournament (UT99), Unreal Tournament 2003/2004, No One Lives Forever 2, Contract JACK, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Alien vs Predator 2, Serious Sam 1/2, Max Payne 1/2, Postal 2, Blood 2, GTA 3/Vice City, Call of Duty 1/2, COD 1 United Offensive, Medal of Honor Allied Assault, Medal of Honor Pacific Assault, Delta Force Black Hawk Down, Farcry 1,
horror: Resident Evil 3/4, Silent Hill 2/3/4, Undying, Condemned Criminal Origins, Doom 3, Alone in the Dark 4, Call of Cthulhu Dark Corners of the Earth, House of the Dead 3, Penumbra Black Plague
Stealth - Thief 2, Thief Deadly Shadows, Splinter Cell 1/2/3, Hitman 1/2/3, Sniper Elite, Chronicles of Riddick Escape from Butcher Bay
RPG: Gothic 1/2, Baldur's Gate 1/2, Nox, Diablo 1/2, Heroes of Might and Magic 5, Fable the Last Chapter, Elder Scrolls 3, vampire the masquerade bloodlines
Racing: Flatout 1/2, NFS underground 2/Carbon/Most Wanted, NFS 5 Porsche, Bus Simulator, Juiced, Street Race Syndicate
Alte: Prince of Persia Sands of Time/Warrior Within/Two Trones, the sims 1/2, Duke Nukem Manhattan Project etc
strategie rts: warcraft 3 reign of chaos, age of mythology, age of empires 2/3, c&c Generals, starcraft, empire earth, rome total war, medieval total war, civilizations 4
simulator economic: simcity 3000, patrician 3, port royale, capitalism 2, caesar 3,
cateva dar nu toate gasesti la
toate din lista aia iti vor merge. daca iti place igi, iti recomand splinter cell 1/2/3. pentru fable zic sa incerci gothic 2
vezi pe youtube care iti place si care nu
Frate sistemul tau lasa de dorit
e cam slab
dar oricum ce ai de pierdut incearca counter return to castle wonflestein, quake 1 2 3, si cand o sa ti iei pc calumea incearca call of duty ca merita bafta
xScorpion4626 întreabă: