| Thunder182 a întrebat:

Am jocul Call of Duty 2 pe pc si as dori sa instalez modul Hardcore Tactical Mode, dar nu stiu cum.
Am gasit instructiuni, dar nu inteleg
There are two ways that the Hard Core Tactical Mod can be installed.

Installation 1:
Easy Install:

To Install:
1: Extract the contents from the HCTM - Extras.zip file into your Call of Duty 2 root directory.
2: Extract the HCTM.iwd files 1 through 10 into your Call of Duty 2 main folder.
3: Once you have the HCTM installed, run your game and click on "HCTM Default Settings" in the game options menu to activate the settings needed to run the Hard Core Tactical Mod.

To Uninstall:
1: Remove the HCTM - Extras folders from your Call of Duty 2 root directory.
2: Remove the HCTM.iwd files from your Call of Duty 2 main folder.

Installation 2:
Recommended: If installed this way, you will have access to all of your mods through the mods section of the game.

To Install:
1: Extract the contents from the HCTM - Extras.zip file into your Call of Duty 2 root directory.
2: Copy HCTM.iwd files 1 through 10 and paste them here…
C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2\Hard Core Tactical Mod
3: Copy and paste your "players" folder here…
C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2\Hard Core Tactical Mod
4: There is a shortcut located inside the Hard Core Tactical Mod folder named "Hard Core Tactical Mod". Use this shortcut to launch your Hard Core Tactical Mod game.
5: Once you have the HCTM installed, run your game and click on "HCTM Default Settings" in the game options menu to activate the settings needed to run the Hard Core Tactical Mod.
Aceste sunt variantele de instalare, dar repet..nu le inteleg
Va rog sa ma jutati
Dau funda

Răspuns Câştigător
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Root directory adica folderul cu call of duty2
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty 2\
C:\Games\Call of Duty 2\